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Vendor uprising, the Black uprising

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Vendor uprising, the Black uprising

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I must say there is something to be admired about the Vendor invasion of the Central Business District. There is something about it that reminds me of the "Fast Track Land Reform Program". After all, Harare used to be a market place for all back in the day - back when Chief Harawa used to rule these lands

27 Years Couldn't Cage a Revolution

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27 Years Couldn't Cage a Revolution

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27 years couldn't cage a revolution, 21,000 deaths couldn't erase a revelation. Nothing can stop an idea whose time has come.  "its a long walk to freedom", Mandela said. It's a walk we have to continue.  This is an African story, 27 years in a prison cell and a nation still loved a man. 27 years in absence,

Live like a King

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Live like a King

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I didn't need a 6 figure income to live like a king. That's because I understood what a king is. When I'm officially crowned, I'm gonna have an army of servants ever ready to squeeze out pills of sweat for me. No, that is not a lavish lifestyle, they are helping me build the empire I started building

For the African Preachers : Part 1

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For the African Preachers : Part 1

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I often wonder, what if Mbuya Nehanda was possessed by the Holy Spirit? And what if Ganyire, Mashayamombe, Mukwati and Kaguvi were the prophets deeply possessed by the Spirit of God? Would they have architectured the first Chimurenga? What if Pasipamire was possessed by the Spirit which was upon John the Revelator instead of the spirit Chaminuka? Would he still have foretold of

Buoyant in a Sea of Cries

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Buoyant in a Sea of Cries

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I am at a point where I'm asking myself, what is the point of being buoyant in a sea of cries? Where is the joy, in striving so hard for life security and getting it, and yet be surrounded by people with such a dire lack of it at every turn? Will I have a good night's sleep in my

Shuva: How to get the most out of your brain

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Shuva: How to get the most out of your brain

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Shuva: How to get the most out of your brain: The Secret Pathways to Lasting Success Part 2: Universe of thought Well, when I said brain what I really mean't was mind. The bra... Shuva: How to get the most out of your brain: The Secret Pathways to Lasting Success Part 2: Universe of thought Well, when I

How to get the most out of your brain

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How to get the most out of your brain

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The Secret Pathways to Lasting Success Part 2: Universe of thought Well, when I said brain what I really mean't was mind. The brain is an organ but mind is activity, you can't touch the mind, you can't see it. The mind is a Universe of Thoughts. So what does universe of thoughts mean? Are you saying I

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